
Tips & Contact

New Tools and mechanisms can be disruptive.

The Way for competitive, profitable and sustainable business must be progressive and transformational with Adequacy and Practicality guided by Good Faith with human touch.

After all, business decisions are made by human.

Employers, Employees, Customers, Suppliers, Stakeholders… ALL have a choice.

Explore, Connect and Align Your Way with Your Stakeholders in the Direction YOU choose to be Good. CentriFuse with Sophisticated Simplicity.

Please direct your inquiries to CentriFusion Customer Service. We are very happy for the opportunity to explore and connect.

May the GOOD be with you.


Chapter 1 – Born With It All
Chapter 2 – Spontaneous Reactions
Chapter 3 – Business Organics
Chapter 4 Taichi Fortunate
Chapter 5 Day And Night
Chapter 6 Through It All
Chapter 7 – Shine Too Bright
Chapter 8 – Sophisticated Simplicity
Chapter 9 – Detached Empathy
Chapter 10 – Feel Good
Chapter 11 ‒ The Way Of Adequacy And Practicality
Chapter 12 ‒ Centrifusion


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